Thursday, February 12, 2009

Only The Strong...(needs editing)

After they ditch the car, Lefty and Right-hand go to their respective homes to get ready for the rest of the evening..."I be back through here in 'bout a hour" Right-hand tells Lefty.
"Aight" Lefty replies, "Don't forget your phone in the house."
Right-hand retrieves his phones and responds to a handful of texts from friends. Meanwhile Lefty is in the house smoking some Purp' and reflecting on what just happened. He thinks to himself that there's no one like Right-hand. Right-hand will literally do anything for him. He wonders hows Right-hand feels about what just happened. He never considered that Right-hand might feel a little off given their current circumstances. Before he just thought it was like old times.
Right-hand walks in the house and pours a cup of Bone VSOP and sits it in the refrigerator. He turns some music on, "Other Side of the Game" by Erykah Badu is what his itunes shuffles plays first as he heads to the shower. He hops in listening to the lyrics, and thinks about what else tonight will bring. He has no remorse for his relapse, it's just a part of the game as far as he is concerned. It was necessary to him, Lefty said he had to go so he had to go.
He gets out of the shower and gets dressed, then calls Lefty and tells him he'll be there in a minute. He drinks his cups that he fixed when he walked into the house and it's on. He's grabs his bookbag and heads out the door...
Right-hand and Lefty arrive at a popular bar. They buy drinks at the bar, and reminisce about old days. They flirt with women, most of the people in this bar are at least 5 years older than them, yet their faces are familiar in this crowd. Left-hand is more relaxed and calm, kind of like Right-hand was earlier in the night. He just sits back and watches Right-hand have fun with the crowd at the bar. Right-hand is laughing, telling stories, and joking. Everything is right, no complaints from either side.
Lefty is amazed at Right-hand's transformation. He's always been amazed at how fast Right-hand can switch it up. He's usually anit-social after making a move like tonight. Right-hand always parties it off.
In the midst of social activities, Right-hand feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around to see a woman with an apparent attitude. " Tonight?" the woman says. Right-hand-looks at her and nods his head while hunching his shoulders with his hands out to the side as if he didn't do anything wrong. She recognizes Lefty and hugs him, and mushes the back of Right-hand's head.
Right-hand pulls her by her arm to go sit in the back of the bar where it's more secluded. This is Diamond, Right-hand's on again off again girl, main thing, future wife. "So what's up? I called you and texted you" she says.
"I know..." Right-hand says before he's interrupted.
"Don't say nothing, you did some dumb shit didn't you?"
"What you talkin' 'bout?"
" I see it in your face. I thought you stopped?"
Right-hand thinks that Diamond is bad, this is why she's his girl or whatever she is.
"I keep telling you, you ain't Superman."
"I hear you, what's going on though? How was your day?" Rights-hand asks pulling Diamond close.
They settle their differences as Diamond curses Right-hand out. Right-hand and Diamond been at it since Right-hand was fourteen. She was 18. Right-hand left her too, but she still shines. She's been threatening to leave Right-hand alone for years thanks to his "street" activity. She grew up privileged, but she connects with Right-hand. His ignorance of her wishes is why they are always off and on. His charm, ambition, and personality is why she stays. He taught her the other side of the game and she wants to understand, so never gives up on him. Their relationship made her mentally tough and even though he leaves her from time to time, she's still successful. Right-hand's precious little Diamond.
Lefty looks at them across the bar, and thinks to himself. "Right-hand got a good one." He sees their chemistry and thinks they're crazy for how they deal with each other. No titles, no handcuffs, no fights, all the problems in the world, and they just keep it moving. He wonders how they manage, even though Right-hand always leaves her for periods at a time. Lefty doesn't see how they balance each other out. He does not see that she's the opposite of Lefty himself. She's what Lefty is not, Left and Right-hand move to the same beat. They function as one, they never resist the other. They are alike with one key difference, Right-hand has a stronger will and thinks in terms of a big picture. Lefty just thinks in terms of the city, he's fit for the city and the city only, which is why he never left. Diamond exposed Right-hand to much more and challenges him. Makes him better...
Right-hand and Lefty are one of the same kind but, Right-hand is diverse while Lefty has one train of thought. This is why they both couldn't turn the same way; Lefty's mind would not let him and Right-hand would not challenge him...

1 comment:

Lu Lu Bichon said...

Lefty said he had to go so he had to go how u throw diamond in there makes it more complex