Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"You ever gonna' stop?" Diamond asks. Right-hand hears her but no immediate response. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the road and remains silent.
"Stop what?"
"You know what I am talking about... I just get worried. You don't need the money, you're doing good."
"What makes you so convinced I been doing something?" Right-hand asks looking over into the passenger seat.
Diamond has no idea why Right-hand likes to go through this unnecessary BS sometimes. She shakes her head,"It ain't rocket science, it's the only time you ignore me that."
Right-hand nods, still nor ready to engage in the conversation,"Who said I was ignoring you? I knew you were coming down to the bar." He only knew because he knew Diamond would come looking for him, and she knew he'd be at that bar.
"And how you know that?"
"You always come looking for me down there. Runnin' up in there like you somebody motha or something."
"So you think you know me? "
"I hope so...I sure hope so."
Diamond folded her arms and kept her head out the window the rest of the ride. The dead silence in the car doesn't matter to Right-hand, he enjoys the slight summer breeze, and rides. He knows Diamond will get over it soon. Diamond sits in the corner thinking about how much of an asshole RIght-hand is; but she knows something good is going to come of their time together. He never lets her down in that sense.
They pull up and get out at Right-hand's condo. Right-hand walks in the house and opens the balcony door where Diamonds sits. He goes and pour favorite wine, Rendezvous. He pours his Bone VSOP. "Waz up though? You mad at me?"
Diamond doesn't respond this time, she sips from her glass almost mocking Right-hand's performance from the car. Right-hand laughs and leans against the side rail. Then Diamond finally breaks her silence.
"You made me miss my movie, asshole."
"First thing in the morning, before my flight leaves"
"Then what? You be MIA for another month?"
"You funny, I work like you. Why u mad?"
" I am not mad..."
"I bought you a ticket to met me down in Florida, you can come down thursday night. We staying at my beach house in Key West."
"Sometimes, I swear you no good."
""Yeah, me too.."

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