Friday, February 13, 2009

Yeah, I go There... February 14th

Do you really love that person as much as you claim you do today?
Are you gon' throw this in their face when they catch you doing wrong in the future?
Is today's special treatment just so your partner can be NASTY?
Does "I love you" really call for an extra meaning today?
Is tonight really the only night you own up to giving head cause it's "Valentine Day?"
Love is supposed to stand the test of time, which means mistakes will be made. But does tonight mean that all mistakes will be forgiven?
Just because you fuck up in the future, does tonight give you a pass?
Are you just actin a certain way today for some pussy? What if it's old pussy? Do you go that extra mile?
Who do you text when yo think it's the last minute? Is this what love is really about? Giving your best on one dat and saying the rest if the year?
Does fucking tonight mean we'll get married?
Hold up? Do you really love me? Or you just stuck in the moment?
I'm sorry boo, but I really love you....see?
I ain't get you nuffin cuz I don't celebrate Valentine's day. Yo should get that all year.

What? Do people actually fall into this shit on Valentine's day? Yeah, they are fools. Whatever happens to actions speaking louder than words? Why don't those actions speak that same volume all the time? I think Valentine's day is just an excuse to trick, or a way to make up to your partner. It's not necessarily to make up fpr doing wrong, but apologizing for what you're not? But why? If you ain't naturally romantic, where is it coming from on Valentine's day? Your heart or perception? Today is a day for imposters, the unforgiven are forgiven, the unfaithful are romantic, and so on and so on. Real love is turned into a mockery on this day, but are they supposed to not celebrate? I believe this day was actually designed to celebrate the true love, how do you do that? I mean honestly, I could give a damn about candles, teddy bears, and chocolate. You eat chocolates when you mad at me, right? I can't plead the fifth on this day either so what am I to do? If all I do is show you I love you, then what do I today? Say it? I think actions speak louder than words, so do I do something out of character? Is our sen going to enter another dimension? What do I do tomorrow? I mean, I think we have the rest of our lives together, at least that's how I am supposed to feel. Now I feel like Musiq, just teach me. Teach me how to to LOVE...

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