Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Acceptable Behavior

I never understood the whole, good loss, thing. I can't fathom celebrating losing. Ain't in my system, and I will not apologize for that. The goal when you set forth to do something is to accomplish what you have in mind. Failure and/or losing is not what you had in mind, so why accept it. I'll gladly accept the incentives of winning, but never completely accept the fact of failing. While I'm on the subject, what's success? Will my obsession with success ever be fulfilled. As long as I keep on accomplishing what was set forth in the beginning then I'll be alright. If I fail, I'm coming back harder than before. Why not go that hard in the first place? You have to enjoy the success, no stress is necessary while winning. Go hard, but cherish the moment. Fail? Take that moment for what it is, but correct that ASAP. Failure just ain't a option, plain and simple. Anger fuels motivation, just the same as success. Success= satisfaction, which creates happiness and exudes great forces into the universe. Failure= hunger for success. I WILL WIN aka SUCCEED...

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