Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Like

Liking someone. The element that's overlooked and overshadowed by love. But nothing is quite like the discovery of liking someone. That initial feeling of tingling uncertainty. Not butterflies, but the newness feeling. Then the process of showing that person you like them. You kind of get out of your element a li'l bit. You read them your qualifications, tell them how good you are. You know? Trying to make a good impression OR you do the nonchalant thing. You play the "I'm Cool" card, or you act as if you got too much going onto be into someone (all while leaving the door open). You try to position this person to like you back. Sometimes you manage to get a couple of dates, see how things go from there. Sometimes that person just isn't into you. If you get that vibe initially, or feel that you like someone you couldn't/shouldn't like; you try to talk yourself out of liking them. This may be because of the perceived notion of that person, their past, your past, fear, things like that. So, you focus on their flaws, try to create distance and force a dislike. The heart produces and reacts to raw emotions. People do not like to refer to their heart in the stage of "like". While "like" may turn into a variety of things; good friends, best friends, close friends, a relationship, etc. It should be acknowledged.

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