Sunday, January 25, 2009

Minds of Art

A great mind can create something that transcends through time. It is forever relevant. A less developed can create something just for the moment. A "so-so" mind can give you something reflective of the times and so can the imprisoned mind. A prisoner of the moment can't think completely straight. The good mind sets forth something with potential but not year along the lines of greatness. Great minds, they transcend, they stand as brilliant regardless of the time in history or whatever. Art is the field where minds. Everything in the world embodies a form of art. EVERYTHING...Whomever came up with the idea of the tape player, they had a good mind. Not great because now the tape player is almost obsolete. The invention of the CD player cancelled out tape players. The CD player was a very good idea, but still not great.MP3 & IPOD creators, great. They took simple concepts and combined them with another great invention, the Internet. The Internet changed the entire world and society as we know it. It is transcendent, it has transferred into all aspect of life. The only thing the internet does not allow you to do is physically touch something that isn't within your reach. The minds....
Movies- movies that live forever in the minds of many are produced by great minds. Or just the very thought of that movie was a great thought. Same for music. Dance music, snapping fingers, super soaking, the bounce, the butterfly-products of good minds. The marketers and promoters that bring it to the public-great minds. They obviously don't care about what the product does as long as it sells. Money transcend people from broke to stable, and so on and so on. Musicians that are hailed as legends, great minds. They presented a message and lifestyle that still rings true years and years after the fact. Legends for their craft, not legends as pioneers, just to clear that up. Great minds of architecture and design. Their influence is still prevalent today. The people who designed and built the historical Egyptian pyramids, GREAT
My parents, GREAT minds, they managed to create me.....LOL

Life by The Moments

Live for the moment
Embrace the moment
Learn from the Moment
Don't neglect the moment
Move to the next moment
Cherish that moment as if it were your life...
Life is full of moments, and no moment is exactly alike
Deja vu? yeah but there's previous knowledge of this moment so you learned something prior to this moment.
Moments are special, they are the events in which every person is molded and shaped into who they are...
Yes every moment, from the worse to the best and everything in between. Even what you do when you are alone.
Neglecting moments happens a lot too. Running. It's ain't good, it always catch back up to you... Acknowledge your faults and move on, nothing's wrong with that. You can't outrun life itself, so if it's time then....
Live in the moment, not just for it. Make the best of each situation, don't rollover and wait for it to be over.
The moments.....Every single aspect of life happens within a moment.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


They gonna think we cocky when we get back home? You see that man today, Mr. President, that black man. I'm 'bout to walk in some shoes like that in the next 10 years...
Black President of the U S of A; never thought I'd see that. Then again, I never thought I'd leave the US either. London is beautiful; I'm finding myself. U find yourself more when you outta your natural element. You got nothing to lean on, no backbone. But if you hungry? U gonna find a way to eat right? shout out to Sunday Mornings co-founder...
But anyways, Life is changing more and more everyday. I feel like my brain is a pen, and sometimes I don't know how to put the lid back on...
I found my zone, everyone's welcome, but if u ain't fuckin wit me, then fuck you and your thoughts too.. All negative shit carry unnecessary weight... I can raise hell, I know that, but what good do it do if it aint benefiting me? Money ain't gonna cure everything, but it make for better situations, and ima get my fair share while im on this mission....Since I left the states, my brain been runnin wild. It's like a untamed lion or sumthin. Thoughts...just thoughts, they're beautiful, especially if u know u gonna put 'em in motion. I just know I'm gonna impose my will on my Target, Sunday Morning. Mental Conditioning for 8 months and running, and it's only gettin' better. I know it's gonna be a few bitter people along the way, but fuck it, let's go...I heard the President today, he ain't come out there off no party shit. I cherish this moment, but partying for a week on his behalf ain't proving nothing. Granted our ancestors ain't have the luxury of partyin that this generation did, they still got it in. Where u think all us came from?....My question is WHat are we gonna do now? he's in office. No more excuses now huh? We gonna carry him like we did MLK, and yeh as a whole we carried MLK, thank Mr. Obama for putting the ppl on his back. But what now? How we gonna treat the leader of the New Free World? The whole campaign is change, a LOT of black people, niggas in particular scared of change...We gonna all of sudden stop droppin outta school? We gon' drop the guns? Drugs? Mentality? It's a copy-cat society amongst black ppl, but only when it's easy. Like dressin like somebody? Or findin the most clever/ignorant shit to say outta your mouth? Are black ppl gonna go back to havin some substance? We'll see.....I know where I'm going though

Monday, January 19, 2009

Reality Sets In

I am real cool
One of the realest
I'm so cool cause i keep it real
It's just what i am, can't help it
I update my facebook at least 5 times a day
I create the best status just to see what my hatas gotta say
They just hate cause I'm real and they wish they was this cool
I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I aint got shit to hide
I let my life play out in the public
I put up pictures every week to show the world the life of the real
I should be on TMZ or sumthin, teach 'em how to be cool
Yeah, I'm just...I'm Just...I'm just so real I'm almost outta touch reality...
I am out of touch with reality
I lie to myself
I live like I'm a character on TV
I am insecure
Scared to deal with reality,
So I just do the opposite of what is cool to me
My computer is a shelter to me
Facebook, Myspace... It is Hollywood to me
I neglect reality
So I forced this facade to be cool to me
Lauryn Hill once said "Fantasy is what we want, but reality is what we need......"

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mary Go Round: Catch 22

Couple of months ago...
U told him NO
"Eww girl, he ain't my type"
Good boy, too nice
Ya other man wouldn't quite "it"
Now u want something legit
And that's what u try to get
Back to the good boy,
He embraces you, a new found joy
He shows you the good things in life
You envision yourself as bein' somethin' resembling a wife
He helped you find you
And You are all right again
Lord bless him
You praise him, worship him
He got your heart, U should went his way from the start....
But you are now the haunted, Your sweet precious beloved (you get the picture)
Is being sought after like diamonds in Africa
He don't wanna be with you,
His round 2 intentions was to mislead you
You played him once, and you won't do it again
Your expression of love is the sound of revenge
He betrayed you, thats what rejected people do
You neglected his good in the pursuit of bad (bad boy image)
Now you missed out on the greatest love you never had
And you're just damaged goods
Pretty girl
Trust issues
Nice curves
Wounded womb
Lost soul

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life Did it

Sporadic text,
"i miss you"
When you comin' home?
Remember this...?
Remember that...?
Remember "we"...?
Those the conversations every couple of months or so...
We talk about what "we" used to be
And often ask how did "we" get to "used to be"
Most of the time, the finger points to me.
She say i ain't really care, I left her there
That's all i hear...
I did care, I ain't wanna leave her there
I ain't have no idea that the miles, days, weeks,would take the tool that it did
Now, the late-night surprises, impromptu dates, stolen moments are just memories.
I was her journal, she wrote her life on me
She was my canvas, Painted her a masterpiece...
Then life sent us on different paths, and we drifted apart
Still #1 in each other's heart, but life did it's part
It left me without her, and now when these conversations occur...
It's full of what ifs, reality is "we" are only what "used to be"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Say Hello

Saying good-bye can make the most stoic person emotional; and the most emotional insane. Good-bye, a strong word, most people only mean it in the context of "until the next time." When it's good-bye forever, including death, that's hard to accept. Death eliminates the "until the next time" element; the other good-bye is complicated. Saying good-bye to relationships, romantic relationships, makes things even more complicated. Good-bye to love? Devastating. It's not an easy thing to do at all; that embodies saying good-bye to arguably the strongest emotion in human nature. This means getting rid of a part of you; what you are as a person. Life after saying good-bye is intriguing. There' the process of trying to "cope without," it consists of trying to find things to fill a void. You may pick up new hobbies, new habits, go back to doing things you used to do before love, etc. This can be good in the sense that you learn more about yourself, you feel liberated, and you build a stronger sense of independence. Then there's some bad; you pick up bad habits (i.e. drinking and smoking more), getting a "rebound." That's the bounce back person for all the wrong reasons. Then there's being cold, close-minded, and thinking you can't go on with life. There's you seeking attention in the wrong places, always wanted to be loved, even latching on and hanging out with the wrong people. Once you said good-bye to love, you lost yourself. You no longer have an identity. Most of the time, the good mixes with the bad. When the bad overcomes the good, then that's when the "ole thing" comes back into the picture. Yes, the same "ole thing" you said good-bye to, forever. The person who knows you best, yet hurt you the most. The "ole thing" comes back as a calm gentler person, but is still the same "ole thing." You go back to the "ole thing" because you feel comfortable, you know them; but being comfortable doesn't solve problems. You forgive, but forget to solve; then the same problems evolve. Good-bye again, forever again? Maybe, maybe not. You can say good-bye to love and mean "until the next time." That doesn't mean that the "ole thing" has to come back too. It's ok to be free and independent. it's also ok to let go and not be cold , or afraid to let new people in. You can't win unless you try. Who's your true love? it's stupid to keep answering a question with the same wrong answer(ole thing).