Monday, January 19, 2009

Reality Sets In

I am real cool
One of the realest
I'm so cool cause i keep it real
It's just what i am, can't help it
I update my facebook at least 5 times a day
I create the best status just to see what my hatas gotta say
They just hate cause I'm real and they wish they was this cool
I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I aint got shit to hide
I let my life play out in the public
I put up pictures every week to show the world the life of the real
I should be on TMZ or sumthin, teach 'em how to be cool
Yeah, I'm just...I'm Just...I'm just so real I'm almost outta touch reality...
I am out of touch with reality
I lie to myself
I live like I'm a character on TV
I am insecure
Scared to deal with reality,
So I just do the opposite of what is cool to me
My computer is a shelter to me
Facebook, Myspace... It is Hollywood to me
I neglect reality
So I forced this facade to be cool to me
Lauryn Hill once said "Fantasy is what we want, but reality is what we need......"

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