Monday, February 1, 2010


"I'm trying to find myself, that's all." That's some ole bullshit. Really, it doesn't make sense. You know yourself from the time that you have a concept of yourself. Yes, you grow; but that comes from learning. Maturing & learning is the process of growing as a person. Finding yourself is an excuse people use when they're too weak to be who they are. That's the result of trying to be something you are not, a facade. You want to be something that you think is better than self instead of embracing self. I love me, a lot of times I hear too much or it's arrogance. Call it what you may, at the end of the day I am going to be comfortable with the person that I am. I can look in the mirror without bowing my head in shame. I make decisions knowing that my soul will oblige, it won't be left behind. I always strive to move forward. I evaluate the past, embrace it, but I do not live in it. Living in the past accomplishes nothing. That's my beef with historians, some of them too focused on making people pay for the past. How you going to hold people accountable for the actions of their ancestors? You learn people's tendencies, but you move on. Progress is good. Trust someone until they deserve to lose your trust. Every moment or experience is something we all can learn from. Trust your word above others, you have to live with the consequences. Another person's experience is not your experience, because you only have one life to live. Be yourself, be free. Be free in the essence of being yourself without guilt or restrictions. Be

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