Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thought of You

When I get you I'm gonna cherish you one second at a time, cause if I mess up I aint guaranteed a second time...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In the moments of greatness people want the moment to last forever. When greatness wears off, people want to recapture old moments. I wanna keep creating moments of greatness with you. I wanna be great with you...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cherish The Women

"He has no right to tell a woman when or where to create one."-Tupac
Pac couldn't have said it better. Not long ago, my ex had an abortion without consulting me. Hurt deep, but I was not in a position of power. I planted the seed, she had to carry, she chose otherwise. The reality of the matter is that women bare a big responsibility in this world and are not given the proper respect in return. I've had my share of women bashing moments and realize that I could not have been more wrong. Women are strong, precious, and one of kind. Too often, they sell themselves short because they've been belittled by the male species. What a shame, the egos of men. I possess one, I've made my mistakes. Wish I could carry the burden of apologizing for all of us. Throughout time woman have been told their place, and they are not a man's equal. They cannot be sexually liberated, they have to bite their tongue, they can only achieve so much. They can be great, but they have their restrictions. It was an insecure man's idea, but he knew how much power women possessed. In their sex, there is magic. Just look at men. They are why men strive to be rich, they are why we appear the way we do, we all want a woman's approval. Straight or gay, we all want a woman's approval. The gay dudes love them so much they want to be one or hang with them. We, the straight guys, do not like the ones with uber-confidence. It's something about their natural grace. We should love them, we should love their ambition to be independent. We should love the fact that they are outspoken. We should want them to be sexually free, that makes the sex conversation more fun. Demonstrating what you do with other men is elementary. I give women their credit, they feed into our egos. They forgive, forgive, and forgive; sometimes for the same thing. They loves us more than we love them; we make them compromise and they do. Some of the women are beaten into submission and never reach their full potential. The potential of being one of the most beautiful creations on this earth. Yes, women were the Creator's gift and most valuable resource on this Earth. Women are more than what meets the eye. I adore women, I need a partner. I won't degrade her by calling her my baby, boo, or even my woman. She's her own woman, she can be my partner in life.

Consumers Pt. I

Valentine's Day is around the corner, a consumer's holiday. Romance huh? A lot of people live consumer's lives. A lot of females want to wined and dined on Valentine's Day. What happens if you're not? A bad year? Are you less of a woman? All my guy friends got to have sex. All that for some sex? It's just dressed payment, paying too much if you will. People buy jewelry, chocolates, flowers, candles, lingerie, etc. trying to set the mood. Those are the same chocolates she eats when she's mad at the dude. The flowers die and the candle flame out just like this whole Valentine Day act will. Valentine's Day is just an easy target for my thoughts on consumers.
The thing with consumers, they are driven by commercial and mainstream opinions. Consumers have to go out and buy "swag." They have to have "it." Materialistic people driven by commercials and music. Most music that generates huge revenues, especially in my circle of society, is commercial consumer music. The music consumes the consumers and forces the consumer to conform. Music I prefer, inspires the soul, music on the radio lends the soul to the mainstream.

Monday, February 1, 2010


"I'm trying to find myself, that's all." That's some ole bullshit. Really, it doesn't make sense. You know yourself from the time that you have a concept of yourself. Yes, you grow; but that comes from learning. Maturing & learning is the process of growing as a person. Finding yourself is an excuse people use when they're too weak to be who they are. That's the result of trying to be something you are not, a facade. You want to be something that you think is better than self instead of embracing self. I love me, a lot of times I hear too much or it's arrogance. Call it what you may, at the end of the day I am going to be comfortable with the person that I am. I can look in the mirror without bowing my head in shame. I make decisions knowing that my soul will oblige, it won't be left behind. I always strive to move forward. I evaluate the past, embrace it, but I do not live in it. Living in the past accomplishes nothing. That's my beef with historians, some of them too focused on making people pay for the past. How you going to hold people accountable for the actions of their ancestors? You learn people's tendencies, but you move on. Progress is good. Trust someone until they deserve to lose your trust. Every moment or experience is something we all can learn from. Trust your word above others, you have to live with the consequences. Another person's experience is not your experience, because you only have one life to live. Be yourself, be free. Be free in the essence of being yourself without guilt or restrictions. Be