Monday, April 13, 2009

New Age

It's clear o see that technology is taking over everything. As far as entertainment goes, technology is definitely taking over everything. Music has gone digital, Album sales are steadily declining, but great music still exists. Instead of making albums, artists are better off killing the internet and going tour. The album should be the last step of the process. Especially if they're independent. Why go through the process of hustling backwards. You make an album that gonna generate a buzz that numbers don't indicate. Numbers do lie in this day and age, they just aren't accurate. You might move 30,000 units while 2 million got your album. The thing that can not be replaced is live entertainment. Technology can not take over that. Musicians should learn the art of performing and perfect it, then pursue the album. It's alright to have a heavy flow of mixtapes, snippets of entertainment whatever to build their reputation and fan base. It's a new day, we've got to figure out a way to manipulate the system. It only make sense to maximize your profit instead of being in the whole hurting yourself. Take Diddy for example; he has all of these Making of The Band shows or what not. He knows good and well that those artists aren't going to sell records, and he's getting his share for what they owe him for making the album anyways. He also gets money for the shows in which they are the stars. The artists are hustling backwards, dying for a dollar that goes to Diddy's pocket and trying to survive at the same time. Greed becomes an issue because they want what they deserve; they just go about it the wrong way. Diddy deserves credit for putting them together, but damn. Are people just this dumb? Check Diddy's track record with artists. He's a hell of a producer and a smart business man; but come on people. None of those Making the Band groups ever pan out. Diddy hustles those groups and gets rid of them. He knows there are people always waiting for the next opportunity. Same with other executives in the music industry. They survive despite the technology, what about artists?

Social life, live entertainment, and shopping to some extent are some things that have not lost out to technology and will always be around.People still read books fortunately, that's only because that's too much information to read at once on a computer. Films have lost grounds to the internet and technology, but you how about hosting your movies and films in venues before they hit theaters. You'll build a good fanbase, especially if you provide the customers with a unique experience. The theater of entertainment is changing. Business has to change too, we have tio capture the mind of the consumer once more. Sunday Mornings, it's like music to your ears.

1 comment:

Lu Lu Bichon said...

very true and interesting...some of this can go in the bp...we'll talk