Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life Did it

Sporadic text,
"i miss you"
When you comin' home?
Remember this...?
Remember that...?
Remember "we"...?
Those the conversations every couple of months or so...
We talk about what "we" used to be
And often ask how did "we" get to "used to be"
Most of the time, the finger points to me.
She say i ain't really care, I left her there
That's all i hear...
I did care, I ain't wanna leave her there
I ain't have no idea that the miles, days, weeks,would take the tool that it did
Now, the late-night surprises, impromptu dates, stolen moments are just memories.
I was her journal, she wrote her life on me
She was my canvas, Painted her a masterpiece...
Then life sent us on different paths, and we drifted apart
Still #1 in each other's heart, but life did it's part
It left me without her, and now when these conversations occur...
It's full of what ifs, reality is "we" are only what "used to be"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Say Hello

Saying good-bye can make the most stoic person emotional; and the most emotional insane. Good-bye, a strong word, most people only mean it in the context of "until the next time." When it's good-bye forever, including death, that's hard to accept. Death eliminates the "until the next time" element; the other good-bye is complicated. Saying good-bye to relationships, romantic relationships, makes things even more complicated. Good-bye to love? Devastating. It's not an easy thing to do at all; that embodies saying good-bye to arguably the strongest emotion in human nature. This means getting rid of a part of you; what you are as a person. Life after saying good-bye is intriguing. There' the process of trying to "cope without," it consists of trying to find things to fill a void. You may pick up new hobbies, new habits, go back to doing things you used to do before love, etc. This can be good in the sense that you learn more about yourself, you feel liberated, and you build a stronger sense of independence. Then there's some bad; you pick up bad habits (i.e. drinking and smoking more), getting a "rebound." That's the bounce back person for all the wrong reasons. Then there's being cold, close-minded, and thinking you can't go on with life. There's you seeking attention in the wrong places, always wanted to be loved, even latching on and hanging out with the wrong people. Once you said good-bye to love, you lost yourself. You no longer have an identity. Most of the time, the good mixes with the bad. When the bad overcomes the good, then that's when the "ole thing" comes back into the picture. Yes, the same "ole thing" you said good-bye to, forever. The person who knows you best, yet hurt you the most. The "ole thing" comes back as a calm gentler person, but is still the same "ole thing." You go back to the "ole thing" because you feel comfortable, you know them; but being comfortable doesn't solve problems. You forgive, but forget to solve; then the same problems evolve. Good-bye again, forever again? Maybe, maybe not. You can say good-bye to love and mean "until the next time." That doesn't mean that the "ole thing" has to come back too. It's ok to be free and independent. it's also ok to let go and not be cold , or afraid to let new people in. You can't win unless you try. Who's your true love? it's stupid to keep answering a question with the same wrong answer(ole thing).