Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Once you're embedded in a certain culture it's HARD to change. Even if it's a change for the better, change is always difficult. A temporary change is seen as nice, but it always ends up in failure. Relapsing just seems oh so right, all awhile you know what you're doing is wrong. But it's a familiar practice just like playing your favorite song. it's like going along to get along, just because of fear of change.
The fear of change just puts a "black hole" or negative aspect on change. Change in certain cultures means that you're a "bitch," "uncle tom," backstabber , and so forth. WHY? Change is ineveitable, so how come it isn't accepted by everyone. Change is something that should always be embraced as a normal part of life. Progressing as an individual should never come under scrutiny, but in many instances it is often criticized. The person most guilty of this is the individual that is attempting to change for his or her personal reasons. You should never be scared to be yourself, that's the one person you'll always have to deal with. causing conflict within because of what other people think is wrong. personal advancement through change should be a blissful moment for whoever is involved with the occurrance.

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